Become a member


The following form allows you to create a new BDO membership account. All competitors must have their own BDO membership before they are able to compete at any of our events.

If you already have a BDO membership number (e.g. BDODCR1234), you should NOT fill this form in. All duplicate membership accounts are periodically removed. If you have forgotten your password, please reset it via this form. Alternatively, contact us if you have lost your login information and we will provide it to you.

If you are a member of a dance school, your dance teacher must create their BDO membership account first.

You must also register to compete at every single event that you attend. Becoming a member does not mean that you are registered to compete!

Your Account
Please enter your password. It must be atleast 8 characters long.
Please confirm your password
Your Profile
Please enter your first name.
Please enter your last name.
Please enter your date of birth. Ensure it is correct as you can't change this once you have created your membership!
Contact Details
Please enter a valid mobile phone number. Do not include any spaces.
Dance School Details
Please begin to type the name of your dance school. You must select it from the list that appears below.
If your dance school does not appear then please contact your dance teacher who must create the school.
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